10 Most Compelling Pieces Of Evidence That Proves Hypnosis Is Real

10. Multiple Studies Have Proven It Stops People Smoking

airplane quit smoking
Paramount Pictures

Maybe Paul McKenna wasn't lying after all. The celebrity hypnotist had made millions from his racket of self-help books, CDs, DVDs, and motivational speaking tours. McKenna promises all sorts of things in the titles of his releases and performances, saying that he can make people lose weight, get rich, and give up smoking. At the very least, there's a kernel of truth to that last one.

Maybe even more than a kernel - there's a veritable popcorn bag full of research papers and empirically scientific studies that have found placing people under hypnosis and telling them to ditch the !*$% works a surprising amount of the time.

Seriously, there's a lot of them.

A 90.6% success Rate for smoking cessation over the course of six months to three years, 87% reported abstinence from tobacco use, even a reported increase in people not wanting to take smoking back up years later, because of the hypnosis. It makes you wonder what you spend all that money on those patches for.

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Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at http://communibearsilostate.wordpress.com/