10 Most Compelling Suspects In The D.B. Cooper Hijacking

2. Duane Weber

D B Cooper Dan Cooper

Whoever the identity of D.B. Cooper was, it's thought that they also must have possessed an extensive criminal record in order to be able commit such an act so calmly and without arousing suspicion. A man who fits the bill for all of these requirements is Duane Weber, who confessed to his wife on his deathbed that he was indeed D.B. Cooper.

After serving in the World War II, Weber built up an extensive criminal record by the time of the heist. At the time of his death, his confession meant nothing to his wife who had never heard of Dan Cooper. She later asked a friend, who informed her of the hijacking and the implication that her husband may have been Cooper.

She noted lots of circumstantial evidence, including Duane claiming to have damaged his knee badly in an airline accident. Weber's wife also alleged that he had an old plane ticket kicking around for years and years, which she believes to be the ticket he purchased to commit the crime.

After initially investigating the case, Weber was discounted as a suspect in 1998 as his finger prints did not match those preserved from the crime scene.

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D.B. Cooper
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