10 Most Hilarious Amazon Reviews Ever

7. Yodelling Pickle Reviewed by Tim Poteet:

€œI loaned my iPod to my kid and he broke it. This understandably bummed me out, since I really enjoy taking long walks on the beach while listening to some tune-age. I'm kinda low on funds, so buying a replacement iPod wasn't an option for me. I was very fortunate to discover the Yodelling Pickle. I have been super pleased with the results. First of all, as luck would have it, the Yodelling Pickle just happens to yodel all of my favourite tunes that were stored on my iPod. Hits like €œBobbejaan Schoepen yodels the collected works of Black Sabbath€ and of course Slim Whitman€™s edgy yodelling rendition of €œBaby Got Back.€

I have withheld one star from my review however, giving the Yodelling Pickle just four of five possible stars. There isn't a headphone jack, which is only a problem if the folks around me don€™t appreciate yodelling, (which almost NEVER happens). Also, I was accustomed to carrying the iPod strapped to my arm with the elastic armband accessory. Nothing like this is available for the pickle. On my beach walks, I've found that the pickle can be carried around by conveniently tucking it down into the front of my Speedo. I've met tons of nice ladies on the beach since scoring the pickle. I can only assume they dig yodelling as much as I do.

It€™s a great portable music solution for yodelling fans. Cheaper than an iPod and the chicks seem to dig it.€

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Master of Quack-Fu. Fishfinger Sandwich aficionado. Troll Hunter.