10 Most Mind Numbingly Stupid Alternative Medicines

8. Crystal Healing

One of the favourite tools of woo practitioners is a good, old-fashioned crystal.

Again, the principles behind the various crystal therapies appear to be based on a belief in the idea of some sort of universal "energy" that can flow freely around humans and a seemingly random assortment of inanimate objects.

Some practitioners will also match the colours of their crystals with the colours of their various chakras (obviously) or even constructing something called an "energy grid" by aligning a number of crystals in order to surround the client with healing energy.

Crystal healing practitioners are predictably fuzzy on what it is exactly about crystals that give them these magical properties. Some cite the rigid and symmetrical atomic structure of crystalline materials as the root of their power, as this apparently gives them a potent electromagnetic field. Claims like this are less of a proof of the healing power of crystals and more of a testament to the fact that a little bit of knowledge can be a dangerous thing.

There have actually been many scientific investigations into the supposed benefits of crystal healing, but so far none of them have managed to come up with any basis for the incredible claims of its practitioners. 

The effects of crystal healing have in fact been repeatedly shown to be nothing more than, you guessed it, a placebo effect.

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Writer. Raconteur. Gardeners' World Enthusiast.