10 Most Underrated Stephen King Novels

10. From A Buick 8

"Oh, no," said everyone when they realised that From a Buick 8 would be Stephen King's second novel to feature an evil car, following Christine. The similarities between the two works presumably stopped a lot of people from delving into From a Buick 8, which one could certainly argue is actually a far superior novel to Christine. Now, it stands as one of King's most underrated novels to date - a clever and compulsive work that chronicles the "life" of the otherworldly vehicle of the title, as told by the members of "Troop D," members of a state police barracks. The use of multiple time spans and narrators could have rendered From A Buick 8 as a mess; instead, it's wholly gripping. What's more, From a Buick 8 - unlike a lot of King novels - doesn't overstay its welcome; compared to the majority of King books, it's a relatively short and tight novel, and serves as proof that the writer isn't always prone to rambling narratives.

Sam Hill is an ardent cinephile and has been writing about film professionally since 2008. He harbours a particular fondness for western and sci-fi movies.