10 Most Watched YouTube Videos Of 2018

9. Colour Cups

Channel: Family Games TV

Views: 346,293,133

Next up is a homage to the old Charlie & The Chocolate Factory wizardry of Willy Wonka. Well, sort of, almost, slightly. It certainly has an air of Violet Beauregarde turning into a big ol' blueberry when she chews that gum about it. This 'edutainment' (yes, that is an entire genre of YouTube clips) has raked in almost 350 million views to date.

The concept is simple: whenever the older girl takes a sip from her sister's coloured cups, she also turn that colour. There's one question that'll boggle your brain though. Why oh why couldn't the producers find a green cup to go along with the green lid.

It's likely to keep you up all night.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.