10 Must Brutal Acts Of Revenge In History
1. An Indian Sex Offender Was Castrated And Murdered By 200 Women He Allegedly Raped... While Standing In The Dock During His Trial

On August 13, 2004, Akku Yadav was standing trial in Kasturba Nagar, India, accused of raping Usha Narayane.
Yet this was a man who allegedly raped more than 200 women over a 10-year period - and they came back to exact their brutal and ferocious revenge while he was stood in the dock.
The women had been laughed and dismissed by police when they reported that Yadav and his gang had committed hundreds of rapes around Kasturba Nagar - and so they took the law into their own hands.
A lynch mob of the 200 women descended upon the court, running past horrified officials and pushing Yadav to the ground - before hacking him to death during a 15-minute assault. Throwing chilli power in his face and hurling stones at him, one of the women sliced off his penis with a vegetable knife - and his body eventually had more than 70 stab wounds when the mobs was finally dispersed.
Murdered on the marble floor of Nagpur district court, Yadav had paid for his alleged crimes - but many of the women have stood trial since for their ferocious, vigilante retribution.