10 Mysteries That Apparently Exist Solely To Mess With You

5. Voynich Manuscript

Time Traveller
Voynich Manuscript [Public Domain, via Wikimedia Commons]

Of all the various weird and inexplicable artefacts that have surfaced over the years, none is more likely to be a full-on historical trolling than the fabled Voynich manuscript. This 240 page-long solid slab of insanity surfaced in 1912, and is named after the Polish book dealer who claimed to have found it.

The manuscript is written in an unknown language, with even the alphabet used being completely unprecedented, and after that it just gets weirder.

Going by the illustrations the manuscript is a work of natural history detailing plants and cosmology, except none of the plants or constellations can be identified. The other illustrations are of sketchy naked women who don't seem to have anything to do with anything.

The paper is from the 15th Century and the ink is probably about that old, too. Where the book came from, who wrote it, and why, are completely unknown. It might be a heavily encoded work on alchemy.

Or perhaps it was just a deliberately nonsensical hoax designed to baffle scholars who tried to decipher it in the future. In which case, it succeeded.


Ben Counter is a fantasy and science fiction writer, gaming enthusiast, wrestling fan and miniature painting guru. He was raised on Warhammer, Star Wars and 1980s cartoons that, in retrospect, were't that good. Whoever you are, he is nerdier than you.