10 Mysterious Places You Aren’t Allowed To Visit

2. Granite Mountain, Utah

Granite Mountain Utah

Before anyone starts getting clever, no, that's not a still from GoldenEye. The Granite Mountains in Utah do look like the kind of place James Bond might infiltrate to get his hands on Alec Trevelyan though.

Granite Mountain is actually home to the The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. There, these Mormons managed to excavate 600 feet into the north side of Little Cottonwood Canyon and set up a place to store information related to family history and genealogical research.

The place is also watertight when it comes to security.

Getting near Granite would be difficult without being spotted by cameras or the swish heat sensors installed by the Church. They're protecting history, after all, so the owners can't have just anyone walking up, knocking on the door and gaining entry.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.