There is a moment in every childs life when mum and dad go from being the centre of all wisdom to false prophets. For me, it was when I finally realised that the land mass across from my local beach was not Norway, as the old man had said, rather it was just the other side of the bay. That fib, however, pales into comparison to the bigger lies parents tell innocent minds. Heres a light hearted look at 10 parental porkers:
10. Eat Your Vegetables And You Will Grow Up To Be Big And Strong
To debunk this clap trap you have to look at what the only logical lifestyle choice is for someone who really believes in this theory: that is, vegetarianism. To me, vegetarianism is scarier than Scientology, witchcraft and cannibalism rolled into one. This is so, as it is a thought process which leads people to believe that Big Macs, hot dogs and pepperoni pizzas should not be eaten. That is clearly ridiculous. When faced with this kind of scare mongering all I ask in response is this: How many children raised as vegetarians have gone on to be the Worlds Strongest Man or held a Boxing World Heavyweight Title? No, the strongest people in this world eat tons of chicken...... and take steroids.