10 Nastiest Celebrity Divorces

7. Peter Cook And Christie Brinkley (1996-2008)

This fantastic spectacle of a mess could not be left off of any list of nasty celebrity divorces - EVER. The 2 endured an epic divorce battle that raged on forever. Christie moved to get a restraining order against Cook after he did an interview with Barbara Walters in an attempt to clear his name. Sorry, Peter €“ nothing you can do or say can clear your name. Why? The allegations in court against him make it fairly clear: 1. Mr. Cook had an affair with his 18 year old assistant 2. He spent over $3,000 a month on online porn 3. Peter leeched off Christie while being a porn addicted, cheating sleaze-ball. He was "big" enough to admit to the affair and the porn. However his rebuttals and accusations against his wife left a lot to be desired: 1. She copied his hard drive - big surprise. 2. She scratched his face out of family pictures - understandable. 3. She ransacked his office - good for her. All things considered it would appear that she was fairly justified in her anger. The most audacious aspect of this is that the he still walked away with $2 million out of Christie€™s bank account. The upside, she got full custody of the children and was able to keep all 18 of their homes.
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A self professed Stephen King/Star Wars geek and pop culture neophyte, Scott tends to spend much of his time alone pondering life's greatest mysteries.....he also depends heavily on his son Liam, a great sounding board, to set him straight on Star Wars issues and gives him advice on what EXACTLY he's doing wrong.