10 Nastiest Celebrity Divorces

3. Roseanne Barr And Tom Arnold (1990-94)

At her zenith, Roseanne Barr was the queen of TV comedy. Her butchering of The Star Spangled Banner notwithstanding, it seemed that she could do no wrong. And then she met Tom Arnold. Marrying in 1990, many felt that Arnold was simply leeching off of his much more famous spouse and looking for his break into stardom. The messiness of this Hollywood divorce was that it was business AND personal. Barr was the reigning female comedy diva as star of the hit show "Roseanne" - and Tom was the show's executive producer. Rumours began to circulate that Arnold was sleeping with his 24 year old assistant (who, honestly, given that Arnold isn't exactly a Greek God must have been looking to climb the ladder herself.) Roseanne fired him on the spot after verifying the report and filed for divorce shortly after. Awkward.
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A self professed Stephen King/Star Wars geek and pop culture neophyte, Scott tends to spend much of his time alone pondering life's greatest mysteries.....he also depends heavily on his son Liam, a great sounding board, to set him straight on Star Wars issues and gives him advice on what EXACTLY he's doing wrong.