10 Nightmarishly Disgusting Foods You'd Definitely Be Way Too Chicken To Try

2. Warthog Anus

It's pretty self-explanatory why eating warthog anus is a bit gross, anus isn't exactly the most tempting delicacy in the world, but the way it is prepared (or not prepared) in parts of Namibia is truly revolting. First the warthog is killed and gutted, and then you need to pull out the anus and about one foot of intestine, before you squeeze out all the faeces and throw it over some hot coals to cook. The anus and intestines aren't cooked for long before they're ready to eat. There isn't much to say about warthog anus because it is pretty much exactly what it sounds like, there are no rituals involved, no way of serving it and no wine that would accompany it beautifully. It is, essentially, just a ripped out warthog anus thrown on some coals and eaten exactly how it is. It does make you wonder if it would be easier to just roast a warthog leg, but hey, who am I to judge? I mean, the fact that its anus is bad enough, the fact that it comes from a warthog is worse, but I don't even want to think about the fact that it isn't cleaned properly.
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I'm Ellie, an MA Journalism student from Seaham, County Durham with a love of all things weird and wonderful.