10 Outrageous Claims By UFO Whistleblowers

7. Army Officer Wants Immunity For Revealing Alien Information

Obama Mars Ufo

Robert Dean has made claims about the U.S. having full knowledge of an alien presence on Earth for decades and his alleged clearance levels carry weight.

Dean is a retired Army officer who gave 28 years of service to his country. He has spoken of having a mysterious "cosmic top secret" clearance.

A classified government document exists called "The Assessment," according to Dean. In this alleged study, the United States probed into the very real presence of alien races who have visited our planet.

Dean even says that some of the alien races that more closely resemble humans currently walk among those of us who are native to this planet.

Back in 1993 Dean told the New York Times that he and other government insiders were more than prepared to go public with what they knew, shattering the long-standing extraterrestrial coverup.

The only thing holding him and his cohorts back is that they were requesting immunity for revealing such sensitive information. They've yet to receive said immunity.


I'm a dad who loves professional wrestling. Find me on Twitter @MitchNickelson or email me at leonardbeats@gmail.com.