It's a scientific fact that people don't like wearing clothes. I don't know if there is a specific formula to back this up or not, so you are going to just have to take my word for it. Keeping this in mind, it would go without saying that anything that is fun to do with your clothes on, is very likely to be better with them off. People have been stripping while doing things for years. We have strip twister, strip poker, and even strip... Well, I'll get to that in a minute. What I'm about to bring to you isn't your grandfather's top-10 list. You're not going to find to find 5-card stud here. No, instead you should prepare yourself for the most innovative games with strip-rules. So without further adieu, here goes.
10. Battleship

"Combine Strategy And Luck In This Exciting Naval Action Game." Everybody loves Battleship, it's a fun game. The problem is, when you get older you want to play some more adult games, or have a good reason not to put the game away when the kids go to bed. So let's say you want to try this out. First thing you need to know is the rules. In battleship you have a 10x10 alpha-numeric grid. On this grid, you have to place your ships in either a vertical or horizontal position. The ships are: Aircraft Carrier (5 Hits), Battleship (4 Hits), Submarine (3 Hits), Cruiser (3 hits), Destroyer (2 hits). Each player takes turns calling out a position e.g. "A-8". Your opponent will call out hit or miss depending on if a ship is there. Where it gets interesting though here is that for each ship you destroy you take off clothes. For a guy, socks count as two articles of clothing, as women have two pieces of underwear. So for each ship you sink, you take off one article: Socks, Shirt, Pants, and Underwear until one of you is naked. What you do afterward is none of my business.