10 Podcasts That You Need In Your Life

2. The Bugle

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sullmhy1oHU Are you bored of the rubbish thrown at you by 24-hour news channels? Does every story feel as if it's got a hidden political agenda behind it, trying to make you think a certain way about a subject before you create your own opinion. Well, if you can't stand any more of that sort of reporting then check out The Bugle Podcast. John Oliver, who people may know from his time on The Daily Show and as the host of Last Week Tonight with John Oliver and his friend and fellow stand-up comedian Andy Zaltzman discuss global news stories in their usual satirical way, not only creating an abundance of belly laughs and chuckles but also teaching you about things you may not have a clue about. The show took a break in 2014 due to Oliver focusing on Last Week Tonight, but it's still worth a listen if you're interested in getting a different perspective on stories from around the world.
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Co-host of The Ill-Informed Podcast, jiu-jitsu fiend, MMA lover, movie fan, anime nerd, music snob.