10 Problems That Only 'Problem' Dog Owners Will Understand

8. The Hell That Is Fireworks

The vast majority of dogs don't like fireworks. A long series of incredibly loud bangs is never going to appeal to an animal with extra sensitive hearing. There are varying levels of how accepting some dogs are of them: there are those who are totally unfazed by it all, while for the more nervous ones - and their owners - any night of the year that involves a lot of displays being set-off can mean an awful lot of stress. New Years Eve, Independence Day, Guy Fawkes Night, they may be holidays of celebration, but for anyone who has a dog that jumps a mile at the sound of a hair dryer, you start develop a sense of dread when these dates are approaching. Some solutions include mild sedatives (for the dog, although owners may also need them), sound-proofing a house, or, in extreme cases, simply moving somewhere quite for the duration of the festivities - like a cottage in the middle of nowhere.
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