10 Questions Surrounding Missing Malaysian Flight 370

2. Was The Plane Hijacked?

Staging a hijacking and staging a successful hijacking are two very different things. As time goes on, the latter becomes more and more implausible. There are reports of two Iranian nationals using stolen passports to get on Flight 370. Interpol identified them as Pouri Nourmohammadi and Delavar Seyed Mohammad Reza. Investigators have claimed they have no connection to terrorist organizations. First, stolen passports do not equal terrorism. These men may have been simply trying to get to another country, or possibly smuggling items. Second, people using stolen passports isn€™t uncommon. Interpol has a lost-and-stolen passport database that airlines can use to confirm the validity of those travelling. But this database was bypassed more than a billion times in 2013 alone. It€™s reasonable to assume that a percentage of those unchecked were flying with either stolen or fabricated documents. The rest of the manifest is being pored over by investigators, but so far, no one aboard had ties to terrorist organizations. That€™s not to say there weren€™t people aboard with sinister motives, but for now there€™s no evidence. The only certainty is that the plane deliberately changed course.
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