10 Quirks Of Evolution That Are Ruining Your Life

5. Bad Backs

loki back pain

Many of our problems as humans seem to have come from the stupid decision to walk on two legs.

Your bad back is a result of taking a spine that was used to climbing and swinging through the trees, and stacking it vertically. Furthermore, in order to keep our balance and not screw up our insides too much, the spine took on its characteristic "S" shape.

This all creates an immense amount of pressure on your spinal column, causing that nagging pain. The good news is that it's only going to get worse over time, whoopee. According to the experts, with the correct amount of exercise and management, you'll probably be able to maintain a relatively healthy back until you hit your 40s, then its all downhill from there, no matter what you do.

In even better news, it also knacks your knees and gives you crippling arthritis. Thanks, evolution, you're a real pal.

With the bad back being one of the leading causes of lost work hours, maybe we have evolution to thank for crippling our economy as well as our spinal columns.


Writer. Raconteur. Gardeners' World Enthusiast.