10 Quirks Of Evolution That Are Ruining Your Life

3. Teeth

loki back pain
Columbia Records

Most people will have trouble with their wisdom teeth and many will have to have them removed altogether - it's basically a rite of passage at this stage.

Even if you don't, then you will have most likely spent many of your most awkward teenage years with a mouthful of metal in an attempt to straighten out those smooshed up teeth of yours.

This is because our mouths are basically not big enough for all of our teeth. As we evolved larger and larger brains, we needed bigger craniums to keep them in. In order to accommodate this, our skulls basically nicked space from the jaw and facial bones to make room, but it all happened so quickly that we never got rid of those extra teeth.

Perhaps this wasn't so much of a problem back in the days when you were more likely to get a couple of teeth knocked out in a fight with a mammoth, or maybe all of our ancestors were just buck-toothed dorks, but our heads are just not big enough for all our pearly whites.

The real irony, of course, is that once your get your mouthful of gnashers, all jostling for space, that's it, there are no more on their way. Unlike sharks, with their rolling conveyor belt of teeth, once prehistoric man lost all of his teeth then it was basically mammoth soup or starve to death.


Writer. Raconteur. Gardeners' World Enthusiast.