10 Rarest Funko POP Figures (And How Much They're Worth)

4. Silver Hot Topic Figures

alex delarge

What’s more exclusive than a figure that you can never actually officially buy? And I really do mean never.

These figures do come up for sale on second hand market, but that’s still a very, very rare event. These figures are Hot Topic exclusives. Now there are quite a lot of fairly cheap Hot Topic exclusive figures, but these ones are only available to staff. But not just as a staff exclusive, but only as a reward for performing well at your job there. That’s a pretty exciting incentive, if you ask me.

What’s more, is that these figures are extremely limited. Harley Quinn and Superman are both only 144 pieces each, whilst Batman is only 108. These are very special figures, and really are not meant for the general public, but some do end up on the second hand market one way or another.

The estimated values for Harley, Superman and Batman are $440, $630 and $880 respectively.

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Big fan of gaming, reading, pro wrestling and complaining. Avid toy collector.