10 Real Pirates Of The Caribbean More Bad-Ass Than Jack Sparrow

8. Anne Bonny - The Red-Haired Rebel

Daughter of a successful lawyer and merchant, this red-haired rebel appeared in pop culture video games, televisions shows and in 1945's 'The Spanish Main'. Problematic from the offset, Anne spiralled out of control following the death of her mother at 12 - reportedly stabbing a servant, setting fire to a plantation and marrying a low-born sailor, James Bonny, so as to disfavour her father's hopes. Eventually moving to Nassau with her husband after her father denied her an inheritance, Anne was quick to engage in piracy and abandon her husband, falling into the company of Calico Jack. Whilst her husband, James, became a vital informant for the governor Woodes Rogers, Anne absconded with Calico Jack, married and had a child together, before Jack decided to take her to the seas. Although Jack had a reputation for cowardness, Anne's was fierce and brave and rebellious. As Jack and his crew lay drunk and oblivious to the impending threat of the British navy, intent on capturing the lawless crew, it fell to Anne and her companion Mary Read to hold the ship against the navy. Outnumbered and outgunned, Anne and Mary relented and the crew were captured, sentenced to be hanged. Her last words to Jack were as fierce as expected: "Had you fought like a man, you need not have been hang'd like a dog."

Writer, day-dreamer, dragon rider.