Growing out your hair to great lengths is typically seen as a beautiful and aesthetically pleasing quality to have. Your long luscious locks are something of pride, right? You've worked hard to make sure your hair is healthy and flowing. But with every compliment you receive on its impressive length, there are a multitude of struggles that come along with the growing and looking after your hair. So many accessories, amounts of product and brushes go into keeping it presentable, and just dealing with everything every day can be a challenge in itself. Whether its getting caught in your seat belt, shedding all over your things or sucking your conditioner bottle dry, your hair can be very high maintenance. You love your long hair, but sometimes it can be a hassle. There is a price to pay for perceived beauty, and here are just a few struggles that us folks with longer locks face on the regular.
10. All Of Your Things Are Covered In Hair
You have so much hair that it's difficult to keep track of it all. All of your furniture, your rugs and your clothes always have loose hair on them. Let's just say vacuuming takes longer for you than your short-haired friends.
9. Your Hair Often Gets Caught In Things
Not only does a significant amount of your hair end up on various surfaces just naturally, but it also is constantly getting pulled out when it gets caught in a large assortment of items. Your purse handle, your seatbelt, someone else's hair clip. It's a wonder you still have any hair left on your head.
Holland Baker is based in New York City, where she is an editor, writer and co-host of Whatever It Takes: A Degrassi Podcast. In her free time, you can find her searching for bodega cats, eating mass amounts of pizza and using humor as a defense mechanism.