10 Reasons Having Certain Superpowers Would Actually Be Awful

9. Subconsciously Messing Things Up (Reality Warping)

Having the ability to warp the very environment around you would be awesome. You could conjure things out of mid-air and make things you hate disappear. That guy who makes too much noise when he eats? Mute him. That unsightly hill blocking your view of the sea? Remove it. That girl who's much hotter than you? Ladies... make her ugly. You could make the world exactly how you wanted it to be. If you were a psychopath, you could kill people with a thought - look at how Thanos deleted half of the universe's sentient population in an instant in the Infinity Gauntlet storyline. But what about if you went to sleep, had a dream about a zombie apocalypse and woke up having subconsciously turned the world in to zombie-infested wasteland? What if, in an argument with your family, you hastily tell them "I WISH I'D NEVER BEEN BORN" and accidentally delete yourself from existence (or, even worse, find yourself back inside your Mother's womb!)? Granted, you might be able to undo most of what you did by using the very powers that caused the problems in the first place, but it would become very tiresome.
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I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.