10 Reasons You Should Delete Your Facebook Account

5. We Have The Illusion Of Maintaining Contact With People

Troybed Handshake Gif With its myriad photo updates, location updates, status updates, work and relationship updates, not to mention a chat function and the capacity to carry on miniature conversations with people online €“ Facebook provides us with so many ways to keep people updated. And that€™s the operating word, right there €“ updated. It€™s the equivalent of posting a note on the fridge telling people where you€™re off to. Yet it makes us feel as though we€™re keeping track of people€ people that, if it weren€™t for Facebook, we€™d probably not bother keeping track of at all. People we€™d lose touch with, as naturally as forgetting to return a phone call. Quite apart from giving us the illusion of intimacy with people that are barely acquaintances, it makes us terrible friends with those people that we actually do have a real relationship with. How many times have we wished someone you genuinely know and like a €˜happy birthday€™ on Facebook and then neglected to buy them a present, give them a call or even reply to a party invitation - and how many times have we clicked 'attending' to an event invitation, and then not bothered showing up? How many times have we clicked €˜like€™, or commented on a status or photo, and formed the impression that we€™ve engaged with that person, actually communicated something? It€™s not real engagement. In fact, €˜engagement€™ is another word co-opted by social media gurus the world over. We€™ve become lazy and shallow friends.
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Professional writer, punk werewolf and nesting place for starfish. Obsessed with squid, spirals and story. I publish short weird fiction online at desincarne.com, and tweet nonsense under the name Jack The Bodiless. You can follow me all you like, just don't touch my stuff.