10 Reasons To Stop Hating On J.K. Rowling

7. Lumos

jk rowling harry potter
Warner Bros.

It’s no secret that Rowling has an abundance of wealth. What people tend to forget, however, is that back in 2005 she started a charity called Lumos.

Lumos is a charity dedicated to child welfare, with the primary aim of removing children from institutions. The charity also aims to raise awareness of the damage institutions can have on a child’s development.

Whatever people may think about Rowling’s political views or the strange additions to her magical world, the fact that she dedicates some of her time to actively trying to help institutionalised children is highly commendable.

Rowling’s story about an orphaned wizard also becomes all the more powerful knowing she possesses a genuine care for orphaned children around the world.

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Harry Potter
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Love to read and write. Have an unhealthy obsession with Harry Potter. Enjoy running up hills.