10 Reasons You Should Totally Date A Writer

3. They Will Make You Feel Successful

Unless you're a stand-up comedian or a writer yourself, you've probably got something that people in these professions are constantly told they need: a "real" job. "Real" jobs usually involve pre-defined working hours, answering to a boss, and there might be a commute and an office in there somewhere, basically the opposite to a writer's working life. And no matter how (un)successful your chosen writer may be, you can bet they'd rather sit with writer's block staring at a blank screen than... whatever it is people with "real" jobs do all day. Is it filing? Anyway, a writer so badly doesn't want to get a "real" job that they will make you feel strong and successful simply for getting through the working day, and that's before any actual success or career progression you may make. And if the writer becomes successful? Well...
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I'm a British filmmaker (or, at least, trying to be) and about to graduate with a Film Studies degree. Most of the time I should spend working is actually on Netflix so I obviously have loads of life experience to share with you lovely people.