10 Reasons We've Already Lost The Impending War Against The Robots

9. Nanorobotics

If it wasn't bad enough that we have to fight the robots from the outside, we may also have to deal with enemies from within through Nanorobotics. Also known as nanobots, Nanorobotics is a field of study which is looking to use and develop microscopic robots, which are about the size of a nanometer (1—10ˆ’9 m). Right now, this field is only at the research and development phase, but soon they will be injected into people. They believe that nanobots will be an effective way to fight cancer. So while there are amazing intentions for nanobots, humans plan on injecting their bodies with the enemy. This could lead to a whole different level of attack that humans would never be able to withstand. What if the airborne virus was actually filled with nanobots? We€™d be crippled. The nanobots could be simple microscopic bombs that would get into our blood stream and cause explosions. Or it could hotwire our brains, making us their slaves. Finally, there is the matter of gray goo. Gray goo is the theory that out of control nanobots would self-replicate exponentially. They would keep growing and growing until they consumed everything in the world. Nothing would be left except nanobots and they would eventually eat themselves, making self-consuming nanobots the only thing in existence. Obviously, this is a horrible thought.
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Robert is a Canadian entertainment, true crime and crime fiction writer. You can visit his website at http://robertgrimminck.wix.com/writer