10 Reasons Why Zodiac Killer MAY Have Been Solved

5. Doerr Had A History Of Violence

Zodiac Paul Doerr
Twitter: Paul Haynes

Crucially, Doerr has a history of violence that further posits him as a potential suspect, or in the very least suggests him capable of heinous acts such as murder.

For starters, in a 1974 letter to the editor of his favourite zine, Green Egg, Doerr straight-up implied that he's killed people, and in his own zine Pioneer, stated "the only good enemy is a dead enemy."

Furthermore, Doerr was reportedly discharged from the Military after a year's service for attempting to shove a fork down someone's throat.

And Doerr's daughter Gloria, who will become a more vital piece of the puzzle later on, has corroborated that Doerr was a violent man throughout his life, with a history of abusing her and other family members.

A man being violent doesn't immediately peg him as a serial killer, yet his not-so-cryptic suggestion in writing that he has killed someone certainly raises some major red flags.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.