10 Reasons Why Zodiac Killer MAY Have Been Solved

3. Doerr Wrote A Serial Killer Magazine... But Ignored Zodiac

Zodiac Paul Doerr
Twitter: Paul Haynes

Doerr has also made reference to serial killers in his own writing. In both a 1970 letter to Pioneer and another letter in 1979, Doerr mentions crimes which were widely reported as Zodiac copycat incidents, yet never once references Zodiac himself.

But it gets better - Doerr also registered himself as an investigator and started his own zine dedicated to serial killers, yet curiously never mentioned the Zodiac, despite having spent so much of his adult life in the Northern California region where the Zodiac struck.

Doesn't that seem rather odd, that someone who Doerr would've likely been acutely aware of as an adult doesn't even get a passing mention in his zine about serial killers? Unless, of course, he didn't want to risk drawing any attention towards himself as a suspect.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.