10 Regular People Who Declared Themselves Royalty

4. King Of The Philippines For A Day

Andrés Novales had much more noble intentions with his attempt at becoming a self-proclaimed monarch, and he didn't last nearly as long as Emperor Bokassa I did. A Spanish Army captain born and raised in the Philippines, he was sick of the poor treatment he and other creole soldiers faced. So he staged a revolt. Thanks to his discontent, Novales was sent into exile. To fight pirates. Deciding that was maybe not exciting enough, he snuck back into Manila, seized the royal palace thanks to eight hundred over Filipinos that his sergeants recruited, and one they had control over most buildings in the country he decreed himself king. Unfortunately, the Emperor of the Philippines had his plans foiled rather quickly when he tried to enter Fort Santiago, which still held creole rebels, and wasn't allowed. By his own brother, no less. He was then caught be Spanish soldiers and executed by firing squad, a scant twenty-four hours after his self-proclaimed reign as emperor began.

Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at http://communibearsilostate.wordpress.com/