10 Ridiculous Names Celebs Gave Their Babies

10. Jermaine Jackson - Jermajesty

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XsR3tuMRUnE Well we didn't get too far away from the Jacksons, did we? The Jackson family is one which walks hand in hand with infamy; be that from the physical abuse of the father, Joe Jackson to almost all of his children, or the fact that as a family unit, they probably represent the highest percentage of silicon in one area found anywhere on Earth. So for a family who are most definitely not afraid of doing things a little differently, it's only natural to expect that the children of the Jackson 5 era Jacksons would probably not be raised in a more traditional manner. As already touched upon, Michael Jackson decided to name all three of his own kids after himself in some way or another, but it was his elder brother Jermaine who took first prize in the ridiculous baby naming race. Jermaine decided to make the perfectly sane decision to name his youngest son Jermajesty Jackson. Now some of the more astute of you may have realised that "Jermajesty" is most definitely not a name. In fact, had it not been for the fact that Jermaine is a Muslim, and thus does not drink, you would be forgiven for immediately jumping to the conclusion that he was out-of-his-mind-drunk when he came up with that one. Although you could also argue that the name "Jermajesty" simply represents pinnacle of Jermaine's creative streak for naming children, because he's had seven goes at it before perfecting his madness. In total, Jermaine has eight children, and, in chronicle order, he named them thusly: Jermaine LaJuane Jackson Jnr., Autumn Joi Jackson, Jaimy Jermaine Jackson, Jeremy Maldonado Jackson, Jourdynn Michael Jackson, Donte Randall Jackson, Jaafar Jeremiah Jackson and Jermajesty Jackson. Most of them you can forgive, if you can get beyond the ridiculous spelling employed, but Jermajesty just takes the proverbial biscuit. Oh, but it doesn't quite end there. Jermaine himself applied for a legal change of name last year, and so, from the end of February, Jermaine Jackson will be known as Jermaine Jacksun, for artistic purposes. I give up.
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English MA Graduate, passionate about film, Sunderland A.F.C., tv and music with guitars found somewhere in it.