10 Secrets Only Two People In The World Know
From soft drink recipes to the meaning of song lyrics.

They say keeping a secret is a lost art, but that clearly doesn't apply to everyone. Some classified information has remained that way since time immemorial, known only to a select number of people: two, in fact.
These are some of the world's best-kept secrets, but to what extent do they relate? The codes to America's nuclear arsenal? Apple's plans to break into the self-driving car sector? Nope. In many cases, it's far more trivial than this.
You might be surprised to hear that recipes within the fast food and soft drinks industries are probably known to fewer people than either of the above, and the same applies to cryptic information about popular songs and albums released decades ago.
In some cases, these secrets are released to the public when the world is ready to hear them, but more often, their two custodians pass the information on to another chosen duo before they pop their clogs, and the cycle continues.
The truth is that many of the world's best-kept secrets are completely bizarre, and you're unlikely to ever find out the truth behind them in your lifetime, unless you happen to be one of two specific individuals.
10. The World's Greatest Card Trick

One of the greatest magic tricks you'll ever see is formally known as 'The Berglas Effect' or 'Any Card at Any Number' and it's easy to see where both of those names came from. The illusion was invented by David Berglas and it entails him producing a specific card requested by a member of the audience without even touching the deck.
To be precise, a pack of playing cards is handed to a random spectator. A second audience member is asked to name any card in the deck, and a third participant is told to pick a number between one and 52. Let's says the Queen of Hearts is selected along with the number 25. When the audience member tasked with holding the pack cycles through the cards, the 25th one will be the Queen of Hearts.
It's mind-blowing stuff, and only one person in the world besides Berglas knows how the trick is performed: his close friend and apprentice Marc Paul.
Magicians are known to keep the intricacies of their best tricks under wraps, because magic tricks are not protected under intellectual property law. Once the rabbit is out of the hat, other illusionists are free to reproduce the trick whenever they please.