4. The Pavement In Your Home Town
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nNsvJmni5wI The street in which you live may be liable to explode at any moment. Best walk on the grass if I were you. It's true and I'm not going to guess at the causes yet, since boffins don't even know. Theories range from underground electrical installations heating up the ground above them to the Earth itself undergoing sudden random wobbles in its orbit. Others say little pockets of raw chemicals are trapped in the slabs that make up the average pavement, which boil gas on a hot day to the point where the stonework explodes. I don't know if anyone has been killed by these yet, but they are not isolated incidents. Have a look at this film. The clip you above is the second of three explosions filmed on amateur video. I leave you to judge for yourself, but think you'll agree that the possibility of death would be high if you were to walk across one of these as it happens.
Paul Hammans
Hello, I'm Paul Hammans, terminal 'Who' obsessive, F1 fan, reader of arcane literature about ideas and generalist scribbler. To paraphrase someone much better at aphorisms than I: I strive to write something worth reading and when I cannot do that I try to do something worth writing. I have my own Dr Who oriented blog at http://www.exanima.co.uk
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