10 Most Shocking Nazi Experiments

2. The Twins

Identical twins made for human test subjects that were highly valued by the Nazi doctors. After being meticulously measured, examined and harvested for living data, twins would then typically be killed at the same time, before having their organs being sent off to Nazi research centres. In 1943, two Hungarian twins were made to endure some particularly horrific Nazi experiments. The two were noted as being young, handsome and athletic. After weeks of examination, the twins were forced into vats filled with hot water until they passed out. Doctors then plucked out their head hair and completely shaved their bodies. Following this, each twin was given a painful two litre enema, then strapped onto a bench table, where their rectums were opened up for intestinal examination. No anaesthesia was used, and both twins were recorded as crying so loudly that they were gagged. Further living samples were forcibly taken from their prostates and testicles, with more and more painful, intrusive parts removed over the course of almost a month. At the end of this torture, they were sent to a dissection laboratory and given a lethal injection, with their organs to be sent to a research institute in Berlin.
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