10 Signs That We're Headed For The Robot Uprising

8. Theyre Teaching Each Other

Robots on hand to serve you at Tokyo phone store
Rodrigo Reyes Marin/AFLO/Nippon News/Corbis

It might look cute, but this robot could be one of the horsemen of the apocalypse.

Its name is Pepper and it is considered to be one of the world's first emotional robots. Pepper is not a "functional" robot but instead exists to make people happy. It interacts with people on an emotional level and is intended for use in teaching and care for the elderly or lonely.

The thing is, the reason Pepper is able to understand humans because each Pepper robot is Cloud enabled and uploads everything it learns about the human psyche to a hive mind that they can all access.

The more they interact with humans, the more Pepper robots understand about us on an emotional level, and they are even able to mimic our emotions and respond appropriately to social cues.

Pepper's status as an emotional robot also leads us down another intriguing path that we have thus far only had to deal with in sci-fi: Robot rights.

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