10 Signs That We're Headed For The Robot Uprising

4. They Create Jobs That Are In Service To Them

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Lucas FIlm

Given that many of the people who would have their job taken by a robot are likely to go into the industry of robot maintenance that this creates, you could argue that the robots aren't putting us out of work ... they're putting us to work.

Cast your mind a couple of decades into the future, when robots and computers are merrily working away assembling goods, providing services, handling our money, teaching our kids, performing surgery, solving our greatest scientific enquiries and even building other robots. They control the means of production and their intelligence now outstrips our own.

At the same time, a large percentage of our skilled and unskilled workforce have spent their lives training and working to maintain these machines, ensure that they remain in working order. These people earn their money based on how good they are at serving the machines' needs (a transaction that is also likely to be performed by a computer).

You have to question who is working for whom at this point.

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Writer. Raconteur. Gardeners' World Enthusiast.