10 Signs You're Dating A Crazy Person

9. They Need To Know How Many People You've Slept With

Anyone who's everyone knows that you don't just give out the number of people you've slept with, but if things are getting serious, it's a question that's bound to come up in conversation. However, it's not like you have to tell them unless you're going to get married to each other, right? Well your new boyfriend or girlfriend NEEDS to know NOW. Why won't you just tell them? Why not? Tell them! Is it more than 100? Less than 10? Why won't you tell them?! If they act like that, then you definitely shouldn't tell them. In fact, you should throw away their contact details and run far, far away. Unless, of course you want the people you've slept with to get murdered.
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"Don't take life too seriously. No one gets out alive anyway." Twitter: @GrungyUnicorn Instagram: https://instagram.com/mlgabriel22/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/mlgabrielwriting