10 Signs You're Dating A Crazy Person

3. They Somehow Gain Access To Your Social Network Profiles

You start to notice that inbox messages in your emails have suddenly been read or that your new squeeze seems to have a problem with a particularly curious source (eg, someone who has send you a message, but isn't particularly active on your timeline). Perhaps they read a message you sent to an ex that dates back to long before you actually met your current squeeze, but they failed to take note of that and are now screaming at you because of it. Once trust has gone from a relationship, it's already better to end things there and then, before one of you really gets hurt. If your new love is going out of their way to check your phone, your social networks, your emails or you phone bills - they're definitely cray-cray.
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"Don't take life too seriously. No one gets out alive anyway." Twitter: @GrungyUnicorn Instagram: https://instagram.com/mlgabriel22/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/mlgabrielwriting