10 Strange Unsolved Mysteries

3. Zimbabwe School Alien Sighting

A sunny day on a Zimbabwean school playground in Ruwa was the site of a UFO landing witnessed by 62 children aged five to twelve. On 14 September 1994, recess at the Ariel School was disrupted when a €œround, silver and saucer-shaped€ object landed on the property, surrounded by four others. A €œsmall man€ was seen standing on top of the primary vessel. He was described as thin, one meter tall, bug-eyed and wearing a one piece silver and black jumpsuit. The man approached the children, and then suddenly disappeared. Soon after, some of the children spotted another small figure behind the craft that also vanished. The children promptly reported what they had witnessed and a teacher, Mrs Kirkman, asked the children to sketch was they had witnessed. Within a day of the event, Mrs Kirkman had 35 drawings of what appeared to be a UFO and extraterrestrials. Scientists ruled out preconceived notions of aliens and UFO€™s because of the children€™s€™ lack of exposure to these concepts. Cambridge Hospital doctor John E. Mack interviewed and examined the children and concluded that what they had witnessed was factual, not a case of mass hysteria. Throughout life the children have always maintained the same story. Documentarians Dominique Callimanopulos and Randall Nickerson have been filming a documentary assessing the events of the day and even discovered additional witnesses to support the claims of the children. While there is an hour of the film available, the project is currently in the editing stage and the full piece will be released at a later date.
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Hailing from the sandiest of Southern states, Susan enjoys horror films and comic books. She writes many things, but mostly wrongs.