10 Subjects Guaranteed To Start An Argument

1. Is God Real?

This is, in many ways, the most emotive question present in modern society. As humanity has become more and more secular, the debate over whether a divine deity created us all has become all the more important. Theist or atheist, the debate is something that is close to the hearts of just about everyone. In the same way as the immigration debate, it is something that everyone has some sort of opinion on. The discussion challenges the very foundations of people's core beliefs, so it is not a topic that can be brought up without care. There are worthy arguments on either side, with neither ever actually likely to convince the other. That is part of what makes this topic so difficult to talk about without heated debate. It touches such deeply held ideas that people are unwilling to part with the faith from which they have always worked. There are also so many facets to the issue, from God himself, to the idea of creation, to the notion of an afterlife. It is this that gives the topic such endless mileage for debate. Religion and the existence of a higher power is, without doubt, the ultimate topic for debate.
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Freelance film journalist and fan of professional wrestling. Usually found in a darkened screening room looking for an aisle seat and telling people to put away their mobile phones. Also known to do a bit of stand-up comedy, so I'm used to the occasional heckle.