10 Sure Fire Ways To Annoy The Hell Out Of A Quizmaster

7. The Chances Are You Probably Don't Have A Brilliant Question For A Future Quiz

Shaun Of The Dead Pub Opening
Tony Spencer/PA Archive/Press Association Images

This is as close as your master of ceremonies will ever get to feeling like a comedian. Not because they'll have a funny retort, but it's the quiz equivalent of telling a joke to a comedian. Taxi drivers naturally are especially fond of giving you some obscure piece of trivia no-one in the world could possibly care about. And for some reason, it's almost always some obscure football fact that even your average hardcore football fan doesn't know. If they wouldn't enjoy the question, then what are the chances it's a brilliant question for the average quiz-goer?

0% of "I've got a brilliant question for you" anecdotes about football live up to the hype, but the success rate is barely better for any other subject. Usually these "brilliant questions" are obscure facts about the fifth episode of Series Three of Game of Thrones, or something to do with a subject that takes a real specialist knowledge.

The trick to writing a good pub quiz is not to try and bamboozle everyone and make their brains melt. That's no fun for anyone. Stick to broad subjects. Sure, throw in some football here and there, but asking who the current holders of the Champions League are is much better than asking who scored at both ends in the 1987 FA Cup Final.

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A professional quizmaster, Jody loves MMA and likes to flirt overtly with pro wrestling. Supporting Aberdeen has been a fantastic character builder over the years.