10 Terrible Things All Student Landlords Do

All beige everything (except the mould) (which they ignore).

Who would be a student landlord? It takes a certain sort to snap up a dozen cheap housing units, strip them of any unique furnishings, pull out a garden and full it with stones, and then charge top dollar for them. Especially when their tenants are kids who have only just moved away from home, can't budget, and don't know that they can complain. Not only can but, in most cases, probably should. The student housing market, unlike the regular housing market, just keeps moving on up, with an uptick in kids going to university meaning increased demand for student housing. Which, thankfully, it's dead easy to produce. Put as little money in as possible, and get the maximum out of it. Which sadly means that students end up having to deal with dwellings that are completely lacking in personality €“ unless damp counts as personality, which it very well may do to landlords €“ working appliances, basic amenities, or decent places to sleep. Oh, and as soon as they're moved in, any problems are immediately swept under the rug. The rug which is used to cover up the stain on the carpet, or the fact that everything is laminate flooring. These tend to be true of all these property owners: the feckless, the lazy, the idiotic, or plain evil. Who knows what makes them like they are? The end result is all the same. Here are ten terrible things all student landlords do.
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Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at http://communibearsilostate.wordpress.com/