10 Terrifying Creatures That You’ll Be Glad Are Extinct

6. Titanboa

Extinct Animals

Those of you with a fear of snakes might want to skip straight on over to the next bit.

As the name suggests, the Titanboa was a bit of a beast, measuring in at anything between 12-15 metres (40-50 feet). This mega-snake lived around 60 million years ago and was such a hard nut that it actually survived the extinction event that lead to the demise of the dinosaurs, continuing to give mother nature the old twos up for a few more thousand years before giving up the ghost.

Titanboa would spend most of its time lurking in (presumably large) bodies of water, coming ashore occasionally swallow a crocodile whole before slithering back to the watery depths. It is though that this was an ambush predator, able to strike with astonishing speed and accuracy (quite the feat - it ain't easy being sneaky at 50 feet long) and squeeze the life out of its prey in its large, muscular coils.

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Writer. Raconteur. Gardeners' World Enthusiast.