10 Terrifying Government Plots That Nearly Succeeded

7. Faking Saddam Hussein and Osama Bin Laden Pornography

Bin Laden PornThe Objective: Discredit both Osama bin Laden and Saddam Hussein by undermining them in the eyes of the Iraqi people. The Plan: In preparation for the Iraq invasion, the CIA allegedly had plans to flood the country with a series of fake sex tapes starring imposter versions of Saddam Hussein and Osama bin Laden. "It would look like it was taken by a hidden camera," stated one former CIA official in a Washington Post article. "Very grainy, like it was a secret videotaping of a sex session." Why it failed: You might think that this plan failed because someone realised it was absolutely ridiculous. Rather, the CIA apparently judged that no-one in the Middle East would particularly care, and that it would have "no resonance" there.
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