10 Terrifying Things That Can Happen To You Whilst Sleeping

8. Hypnagogic Jerks

Doctor Sleeping 2

One of the most common sensations to happen in sleep is the feeling of falling, jumping or hitting the floor, causing the sleeper to suddenly wake up or flinch. These are called hypnagogic jerks, and can also follow other symptoms such as sweats, increased heart rate and quickened breathing.

For many, hypnagogic jerks occur only briefly and not as a common trait of their everyday sleep routine. They can often be triggered by lack of sleep or too much caffeine or alcohol, much like night terrors and sleep paralysis as the brain attempts to switch off. Men are more likely to experience them than women and they can also be accompanied by a vivid dream or hallucination upon waking.

Sufferers often feel that they are 'falling into the void' or being shocked out of their sleep. This is mostly not a recurring motif, with only 10 percent of the population suffering on a regular basis. Constant hypnagogic jerks may be a sign of insomnia, as the brain cannot switch off, or the sufferer may need brain scans to ensure there is not a wider issue.

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