10 Things More Likely To Happen To You Than Winning The Lottery

2. Getting Away With Murder

Let's make one thing clear: murder is a bad, wrong and downright spoilsport thing to do. Talk over your problems. Confide in a trusted friend. Violence never solves the problem, mmkay? With the responsible bit out of the way, I can now inform you with a guilt-free conscience that you are statistically more likely to get away with murder than win the Lottery. In fact, in Great Britain and the USA, roughly 1 in 3 murders goes unsolved, a frankly terrifying statistic that should make you too scared to walk the streets at night let alone wait in line for a Lottery ticket. Still, it's a logical fact that you have more chance of evading the justice system than defeating the Lottery odds, which perhaps says something about the wonky social values we've come to live by.
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Feature and fiction writer based in the north of England.