10 Things More Likely To Happen To You Than Winning The Lottery
8. Being In A Plane Crash
Hate flying? Understandable, for even though you only have a 1 in 11 million chance of being involved in a plane crash, that still makes it comfortably more likely to happen to you than a Lottery win. In the league table of plane crashes (yes, such a thing actually exists), the USA is in poll position with more than 700 air accidents taking place since records began in 1945, while the UK comes in sixth with over 100. Erlets spare the round of applause. Before you panic and cancel your holidays, however, note that the overall amount of air disasters has fallen hugely in the last 70 years. In fact, there are thousands of ways youre more likely to die these days than in an aviation accident. Whoopee! So show no fear, take to the skies.