10 Things People Who Date Guys With Beards Will Understand

5. It's Always The First Thing People Compliment Him On

Your man is instantly recognisable in a crowd and because it's the first thing you look for when you're meeting him, it's also the first thing that other people notice. He's known as 'that guy with the beard' if no one can remember his name and because of his facial hair, they don't really need to. You'll have heard the "oh, I grew it myself" joke at least one hundred times at a party and whether people are drunk or not, they will go up to him and just start stroking his beard. At one point down the line either your parents or his parents will get you to convince him to shave his beard off. You probably won't be successful.
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Lover of Tolkien's world, Harry Potter and baked goods. A camel once put his head on my shoulder and it was the best day ever. sara@whatculture.com