10 Things That Happen In Every Joe Rogan Experience Episode

3. "Pull That Sh*t Up Jamie"

Perhaps the most well-known trope of the JRE is the way Rogan calls upon his producer, Jamie Vernon AKA Young Jamie, to 'pull up' information on the internet on a monitor in-studio to show a guest.

However, despite being recognised as an institution of the podcast these days, Young Jamie hasn't always been part of the JRE.

For the first 400 or so episodes of the show, American comic Brian Redban served as the producer for the podcast. Unfortunately, Redban had the habit of asking some seriously distracting questions which could quickly derail a conversation. Things came to a head in JRE #415, where things got awkward between Rogan and Redban while talking about the latter's comedy career, and from the next episode onwards, Young Jamie was behind the desk.

In the years since, Jamie has served as the studio scholar of the JRE, scouring the web to pull up exactly what Joe is talking about and display it for all to see.

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Joe Rogan
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Adrian Bishop hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.